Well without further ado….the Miss TSA Airport 2011 Calendar.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Watch Out Now...Eye Candy Blog...
Well without further ado….the Miss TSA Airport 2011 Calendar.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
You! Yes, You! You Need to Come Here & TRY THIS!
OK, now let's get down to serious business! OK, mybe not, but we will get back to moments of pure silliness. Now I normally don't share emails but this one was HILARIOUS to me. Why, you ask? Well because I could totally see myself being just like this retired husband. Hey, who am I kidding I would do some of this stuff now and heck I already have! However it did give me a few ideas! I have added my own commentary inside the asterisks and of course we have to have graphics to make it even more hilarious! Hope this helps lifts your spirits or keeps your already up spirits up...wait did that make sense? Probably not, but you know what so what! HA! you don't like it feel free to call 1-800-WHO-CARES and press 1273940582030488 then wait for the next available rep! Now without further ado here is the email I wants to share that I received from a VERY special person who I will refer to as...*secret agent voice*.... Number..94

This story was hilarious to me. I love to laugh at myself and not be so serious all the time! It will help your spirit! Try it sometimes! I dare you take one of these things and try it! I bet you will laugh!! OK, as all the famous people say..."Well that's my time! God Bless!!"
Blog ya later, remember keep your head up!
Sometimes Ish Just Ain't Funny!
At any rate... you have those days when you wake up on the right side of the bed with a positive attitude and you seemed to get slapped in the face?
We all go through trials and tribulations BUT after every storm the sun comes out and it seems to shine brighter than ever!
We go through tests so we can have a testimony of where we have been what we have gone through but how we overcame it. I am here to tell you , it wasn't you, SORRY. It was only by God's mercy and grace! Rather you are a believer or not it is true and God loves you anyway. The enemy is strong and will try to bring you down but God is stronger!
Keep striving to be the best YOU that you can be! Sometimes its not easy trust me I know but lets shoot for a positive spirit. It will show in your life and to others who need to be uplifted! As the song says...my sunshine has come and there's no more rain in this cloud! Just be encouraged whatever you are going through big or small...you can and will get through it! I promise! Remember you can't have a positive life with a negative mind!
That was just in in my heart to blog...this is a journey I am on along with you friends!
...now my eyes are burning
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Blog entry from the Drafts...Awkward Moments!

Sunday, May 1, 2011
Blog from the Sanctity of my Comfy Couch...What Are You Holding on to?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Blog from my email inbox...
This one makes me go "tee hee hee"
Hmmm only 25, iinteresting LOL
OMG...who knew?! *blank stare*
Wow maybe this is why Hermie died? Who knew he needed water...lol
Oh yeah because prostitution is so close to stopping at a railroad crossing...*blank stare*
This sounds like an employer I know...no comment
Shut up...caskets in a mausoleum..Noooooooooooooooo
I'm sorry...bwhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
*Blank Stare*
Maybe they should have tazed him? Ok maybe not!
Darn it they blanked the # seems like a good deal!
**OOOO I've already sent my info in! I'm ready to go**
What is it concrete?
*Blank Stare*
*Thinking* Anyone I know can use this..hmmm...
I guess this is the thinking of home grown Americans....wow!
Well just had to blog this quick funny email. Hope you enjoyed!