I'm up late and been doing a lot of thinking...scary huh? Yeah I know, who are you telling! Well ya know my theme is I laugh to keep from crying. We all have those days if you haven't then either your dead or in extreme denial or you friggin live in Care-Alot with the Care Bears, either way seek counseling but sometimes Ish just ain't funny!.
At any rate... you have those days when you wake up on the right side of the bed with a positive attitude and you seemed to get slapped in the face?

You turn the other cheek and then you get slapped on that cheek too. Well friends it happens to us all. Sucks too, doesn't it! Well i'm here to tell you to be encouraged. When things or people get you down rather it be personal life, family, friends whatever just hang in there! You are loved!! When you feel down do something nice for someone it will always cheer you up. Rather its saying a kind word, sending an encouraging text (not a chain letter either grrrrrr) lol or helping out a friend or better yet a stranger

, you will see yourself get your mojo back and hopefully begin to smile. It's hard sometimes to say shake it off, but we have to try. Otherwise we stay with that little black cloud over us in the rain

and negativity is contagios.
We all go through trials and tribulations BUT after every storm the sun comes out and it seems to shine brighter than ever!

We go through tests so we can have a testimony of where we have been what we have gone through but how we overcame it. I am here to tell you , it wasn't you, SORRY. It was only by God's mercy and grace! Rather you are a believer or not it is true and God loves you anyway. The enemy is strong and will try to bring you down but God is stronger!

Keep striving to be the best YOU that you can be! Sometimes its not easy trust me I know but lets shoot for a positive spirit. It will show in your life and to others who need to be uplifted! As the song says...my sunshine has come and there's no more rain in this cloud! Just be encouraged whatever you are going through big or small...you can and will get through it! I promise! Remember you can't have a positive life with a negative mind!
That was just in in my heart to blog...this is a journey I am on along with you friends!
...now my eyes are burning

and I am going to sleep. Aaaaand I'm probably going to be be dragging at work tomorrow

. Blog ya later Amigos!