Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm bbbaaaaaaccckkkkkkk

Well, well, well here so we meet again (I just pronounced it while typing A Gain in my English accent…) oh at any rate…

How the hell are ya?!
How have you been…do tell!
I really will read how you have been in comments…I promise. I hope you all have been super awesome!

Anyways, well let’s see your wondering where I have been and why have I been M.I.A…oooooooor maybe not; just ran across my blog like yeah what is this? Well if you were wondering I have just been a little procrastinator and didn't think anyone really wanted to read what I had to say… then I logged on and saw I had 10k plus hits and was thinking well someone likes me.

Face it we all like to feel liked! If you say you don’t care, you’re lying.

Now, if this is your first time here…WELCOME. Have a seat and hope you enjoy!

Perhaps after reading my last blog post you think I rode off into my happily ever after in love and stuff… YEA NO! Didn't happen…all I will say is that getting “to know you” stage is crucial and sometimes when you get to know a person you realize not only are you not on the same page, but you’re not even in the same book or the same bookstore for that matter.

Hey no heart feelings but I had to keep it moving.
My ankle surgery was a success I believe I mentioned that to you all…I have a pretty gnarly Frankenstein looking scar as the lady at the gym referred to it. I have bounced back…not quite 100% as in jumping but running etc and even began wearing heels a little. Ok, so enough about that snoozeville stuff!

I just wanted to make a quick entry to say hey and let you know that more craziness is coming back! Since I have been hitting the gym 4 days a week I have witnessed a lot more!

I'll have to share it with you all…not to mention the dating game. Which by the ways sucks some of the males I have come across…whoa buddy! Funny but not funny..psshhhh ok let me stop funny!
Ok ok let me go so I can start on the blog to tell you guys about crazy personalities I have now come across at the gym. We will talk about it all and then some. I promise. Glad to be back...I must give Kudos for my friend Kim Barnes who inspired me to get back on it! Kim's Bama blog is hilarious yet very true as well it can be found on my blog links its called the Bama Blog.

K,Blog ya later

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Update coming 10.12.12

Without further ado... GUESS WHOSE BACK?! 

We have lots of things to catch up on and discuss!!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I know I Haven't blogged in 4 months but...

First world Problems II - I haven't blogged since december I know & i'm sorry
Wellllllll hello there...long time no read huh?
I know I know and before you guys go judging me just know I have had alot going on...haven't been focused on being able to sit still and blog.  Two bad. Ok now that we have gotten all that out of the way...I bet you want to know what exciting topic has inspired me to blog. Well nothing in particular I need to get back into the swing of things...I will update my facebook status to something and think hmmm that would make an awesome blog topic. Then what do I do yup you guessed move on and forget.
Well I guess i'll give you a quick cliff notes version of what I have been up too the past few months...*Cracks knuckles*
Let's see I last blogged in December so lets pick up with the new year...

Flash back to January...

This was a mellow month then about half way through my angel in my life my grandmother, Marie Brown passed away Febuary 1.
I never imagined life without her such a rock in my life but its bitter sweet.  I want here with me but in the same breath I know she is in a much better place and if I don't have to worry about anyone going to Heaven its her.
This was a time for reflection to realize how important family and friends are. Also, to really know when you leave this Earth what impression are you leaving behind...that of greatness or mess? I choose greatness just like her! She was the best example of a non judgemental Christian ever! To know her was to love her.
Also, in January found out  a couple of my besties were pregnant! I'll be excited with those babies get here so I can go visit and steal baby cheeks and kisses.

February was mainly consumed by that..I have also this year started working out even more than I used too...its become the best stress reliever for me! I started the Insanity program,  It is super intense if you don't know what it is and you need a good workout I recommend  I also have been hitting the gym and playing my usual sports...
Oh so your reading this yeah yeah pick it up huh your used to me making you laugh not making you sad...I know I know...ok, ok

Well let's see...

I've had a couple inquires about what happened to ol #94 well I'm happy to report that ol #94 is doing just fine and is happily involved in a relationship. I am very happy for him.  He really deserves that happiness. We are still friends and that's what we are best at :)
No no don't act like aww man. It's a good thing,  Everything isn't for everybody and it was totally for the best at least as far as I am concerned. I may get an invite to his wedding, that'd be awesome. :)
Alright enough about #94 so your thinking well what about you?! Well what about me? ok ok enough with the beating around the bush...well I have been busy being swept off my feet. Yeah from previous posts you know that has not been an easy thing for the ninja is what I shall call him :) it's like he came out of no where!
It's strange how God works he always seems to give us what we need when we need it.  He just kinda snuck up on me but he is so awesome! Keeps me smiling, feeling special and always keeps it genuine and is very patient.  Even critiques me and gets on me when I'm wrong...pssshhh yeah like i'm ever wrong...just kidding! We have grown so close that honestly folks, I say to you...its scary, haven't felt this way in a lllloooooooooonnnnngggggggg time.  I just have to relax and enjoy the journey and see where it leads us.

What a lil taste of happiness looks like :) Thank you ninja! lol

Well that completes my update! OO OO before I forget...ill be having ankle surgery in June so I will be all laid up so guess who will be blogging like a crazy person!

Stay tuned I promise...I have a bunch of good stuff stewing in this disturbed brain oh mine! Until then peace!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kids Who Need a Long Talk in a Dark Corner

This week I have had the pleasure of being on vacation from work.  Well my time off has been an adventure all its own.  My daughter had her first sleep over and we did some awesomely fun kid stuff….yay right?! Yeah, well somewhat…in all my kid friendly outings this week, I have observed some commonalities in kids’ personalities while out in public.  Are any of these your kids?

Image result for whining kid
This is the kid that whines and complains the entire time they are out with their parent/s.  This is usually accompanied by a high pitch voice. This is actually most annoying.  Situation goes something like this…the parent will say, “Ok, well Johnny what if we just go here first then we will go there.”  Johnny says “*high pitch voice* no but I don’t want to I want to go there now…now…I don’t want be here blah blah.”

Mistake: You gave Johnny the power.  Don’t do it…if you fall for this little Johnny will always whine to get on your nerves and get what he wants.
Solution: Take little Johnny to a dark corner and have a long talk in a low voice. That’ll do the trick! J


Image result for screaming kid
This is the kid that will scream if they don’t get what they want…the goal of the Screamer is that of the Whiner coupled with grabbing attention as well.  This one is no bueno because the parent/s usually will go into panic mode to divert attention and get the child to stop screaming.  Usually that means giving into the childs’ demands.

Mistake:  Again, the child has the power. Don’t do it.
Solution: You could again take the child to a dark corner and have a long talk or with a screamer perhaps pick the kid up  and walk outside or to a bathroom and let them just scream and you stand with a blank stare and then say “yeah are you finshed?” OOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR if you spank now would be a time to give the classic response “do you want me to give you something to scream about?”

Potty  Mouth:
Image result for potty mouth kidThis is the child that you wonder what do they hear at home…sweet Jesus o_O the mouth on this kid will make you blush! The conversation with the Potty mouth goes like this…”Jane, I said no you cannot have that so put it back now !” Jane: “No you &%#^ I won’t effin put it back but you can &^*$&%#% yourself mom!”  Mom: “That language is not appropriate young lady”  Bystanders thinking..”KNOCK HER OUT KNOCK HER OUT!”

Mistake: You are letting your child be exposed to this language or you are using it yourself in anger and they have totally picked up on it and are using it against you! Also, you don’t discipline strict enough for this behavior to cease.
Solution: You need a long talk in a dark corner for allowing this to happen! However, it has so now you need to nip it in the bud! Spank, strict punishments etc are necessary in this case! The child should know they are smart enough to use a better vocabulary as well as they will have some RESPECT for you as their parent and other elders around!  BOTTOM LINE! NIP THIS IN THE BUD because this is a reflection of you!

UFC fighter:
Image result for potty mouth kidThis is the kid that wants to use fist and force to get what he or she wants.  This type of kid right here is the type that will end up on Maury Povich or some talk show.  Never is this ok! I’ve seen it this weekend as well… conversation goes like this… “Davie we are not doing that right now, please have a seat.” Davie yells: “NO!” Mom: “ok Davie lets not do this today please have a seat right now young man!” Davie: “*Smacks mom * I said NO I want to go over to the slide now!* Mom: “That is not nice Davie you shouldn’t do that but we will go over for just a few minutes and that is all!”  Bystanders: o_O WTH?!

Mistake: Well in this instance there are several…for one what if the child being exposed too that says its ok to hit.  Or what situation goes on at home that makes him think that is a way to get his way…hmmmm.  Also, like all the others the kid acts a fool and the parent gave in…never the thing to do then that tells the kid that this is the way I can get what I want!
Solution:  You know the standard answer long talk in a dark corner. In this instance, spanking probably isn’t best well maybe a lil but the whole point is that they shouldn’t be hitting so by hitting them how does that provide a solution.  In some instances UFC fighters may need some sort of counseling pinpoint and work out their anger and aggression.

Image result for crying kid
This is the kid that will cry if they don’t get what they want…the goal of the crier is that of the Screamer & Whiner.  This is the kid that can and will cry at the drop of a dime.  Don’t get what they want…they cry, parents tell them no to something…they cry etc.
Mistake:  Giving into the crier, they feed off of this but when you give in the child has the power. Again, don’t do it.
Solution: See the same solution of The Screamer and the Whiner

The Starer:
I think this is America’s favorite.  I have fun messing with the starers . This is the kid that just blankly stares at strangers, over booths at a restaurant, in line at the grocery store etc …their facial expression never changes nor do their eyes move and they never say a word.  Just stare.
You notice a little pair of eyes staring at you…
Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: Oh well hello there. How are you?

Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: Oooook are you lost where is your mom or dad?

Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: Look side to side and even behind you, only to turn and see...

Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: (Hmm OK now we are feeling a bit awkward) OK, well do you like my shirt?

Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: BOO!

Kid: Image result for staring kid

You: Image result for little kid staring kid

They end up winning because you just walk off typically or turn around.

Mistake:  There really isn't one here.  I think all kids go through this phase it's just hilarious that's all.
Solution: Just grab their attention and let them know if not really polite to stare.  I usually jokingly say to my daughter when she is staring at someone having a coversation...ummm sweetie are they talking to you?

Now these were just a few of some stand out personalities I observed and know you are probably familiar with. There were a lot of well mannered normal kids as well but of course I had to laugh a little at those above.  Well this is my last blog of 2011! So in that case..God bless, be safe and...

Blog ya in next year!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Adventures in the Gym

Well hello there again!
As promised in the previous post…I will break down what I have observed in my visits to the gym.  Now, I have always been pretty athletic and fit.  Not tooting my own horn it’s just something that is in my DNA I think to be active exercising or playing sports.   Well my season of flag football, basketball is over until spring.  So in addition to my boxing work out I said to myself…”Self you need to get to the gym a few times a week to relieve stress and get that six pack you want.” Well it’s going well, but I digress…this blog is not about my physical progress workout. Maybe we will discuss that one day but yeah not today. In my frequent trips to the gym and if you hadn’t noticed I’m a bit of a people watcher…well I have categorized some gym goers.  Once you read these I’m sure you will be able to identify.

First up we shall pay homage to the:

These are the guys that have to lift as much weight as humanly possible for their body, they have to make grunting noise, yell, and scream so everyone in the gym knows they are “getting buff.”  Also, typically they lift weight close to a mirror so once they are done they can spring up and check out their physique in said mirror.  Once the gym rat has finished a particular weight routine.  They usually grab a towel and water bottle and walk around the gym doing the buff walk like they own the place.  Wait…why are you looking like that…you don’t know what the buff walk is? Oh allow me to explain…ok hunch both your shoulders up, then let your arms dangle free slightly bent and away from your body, now squeeze both your butt cheeks in now walk…BAM look at you buff walking!!!

Next up is America’s favorite the:
The Spokesperson:
These are the people who come into the gym and you think wow they are about to hit it hard! OR if playing basketball for instance you think whoa did they play in college.  All because they have the LOOK down! They will have on the Nike shoes, socks, shorts, air dry razor back tank top or jersey, the Nike head band, towel, watch etc the list goes on and on.  However, if you notice this a lot of time is the person with absolutely NO ATHLETIC bone in their body. If they are just working out they come often but the ol elliptical or treadmill defeats them in 3 mins or less. The weighted machines stay on a weight of 10 or the pin isn’t in at all. But I tell you what bless their hearts they look good doing it.  They get picked up in a basketball game only for their team to realize that was an EPIC fail of a decision to pick them up.   However, the Spokesperson can sure give you great tips on fashionable gym attire! If this is your style…hey embrace it its ok…look one of our favorite comedian Kevin Hart does…watch…

OK moving on along to the…
The Singles:
These are folks that can also fall under one of the categories above.  Yet the main purpose of Singles is to simply check out chicks or guys.  This is the guy who will give you that huge smile and then randomly pop up next to you on every machine you get on…the Singles can sometime be a bit creepy. Now women are in this category…wanna know how to spot a woman that’s a singles…find her next to a somewhat hot guy in the gym she will be on the treadmill next to him leisurely walking with a full face of make up but dressed like a SPOKESPERSON.

Next we get to the…
The New Years Resolution Maker:
These folks usually come out of the wood work after the holidays. These are the folks who went the ol New Years ball dropped they made the resolution that this would be the year that they would get in shape.  They get excited and sometimes form group…yay.  They then get all the apparel needed for the gym and head on down to the local gym and sign up.  Some even get personal trainers…because they are serious this time not like that past years. Nope this year it’s different. Well the New Years Resolution Makers start off good and strong sad part is usually about 2 weeks later…nada Gyms love the New Years Resolution Makers they get them obligated in contracts and get their money never see them again.  FREE MONEY!

Then comes the:
“I’ve got to get my body right for the summer" person:  
 Actually see New Years Resolution Maker however this person usually emerges in April or May right before the summer.  One caveat is sometime this is the person that says they will hit it hard to be able to get into a bikini by summer obstacle is their body most likely looks like this…

Next Up:
The never ending runner:
This group of people I secretly envy…they run for ever and ever and ever.  Me after a mile and a half 2 and most I’m tuckered out.  I had to work to get to that point.  Don’t judge me I was a sprinter not a cross country runner! This person usually has a straight face, ear buds in ears or watching TV…they usually are dripping in sweat and have a towel for the occasional sweat wipe away…

The Magazine reader:

I think this is a new generation of exercisers or something…I mean we come to the gym to work up a sweat right…WRONG these folks have the latest edition of Cosmo or People and catching up with celebrity gossip while working out.  I must admit I tried it yeah not so much for me…I’ll stick with reading mags in the Doc office waiting room, but hey if it works for you. Great lol.

Are you the:
Stinky dude:
This dude may or may not be a gym rat, but most likely not a Spokesperson or Single.   This is the guy who is super sweaty and stinks to high hell like the invention of deodorant hasn’t been discovered yet.  This guy may be outgoing but he is usually all over the gym and you know this because his stench is all over the gym turning heads and burning nose hairs out of all gym patrons.  This person is also not going to use the sanitizing wipes to clean off the machines or weights once you use them.  Forget about it, he isn’t EVEN going to attempt to use them.

OMG without further ado!
The locker room flasher:
Ok where do I begin with this one...let me paint you a picture of my encounter.  So I leave work headed to the gym…la da dee la dad ah (that’s me humming).  I walk into the gym say hey to the employees “hey guys!” they say “hey how are ya?” back at me.  La da dee hmmm mmmmm open the door to the women’s locker room go around the corner to the locker area and WHAM greeted by butt nakedness! In my head I think…”Holy hell cover up” but I say nothing because honestly this is quite normal for a locker room right.  Well then it gets interesting…I am taking my coat off and placing items in the locker gathering my clothes to escape into the handicapped bathroom stall to change (yeah I’m that one…don’t judge me).  Before I could finish gathering my clothes I hear…” hey what’s up Toya?!” I look up to say “hello” but something happened my eyes looked up before I could speak and what they saw was the back shot view of a woman looking at me while drying her ankles off and looking at me from in between her legs…OK my face instantly looked like o_O all I could say was “oh nothing” and I dang near ran to the stall.  Where I had to then compose myself and mouth silently to myself “WTH was that?!” Then I have to come back to work or around the building and see you on a regular basis…FAIL!

Ok so prime rule for me…DO NOT TALK TO ME WHILE YOU ARE BUTT NAKED!! …well unless you’re the ROCK but ahem back to the subject…yes not cool.  I don’t want to talk to you as you are lifting your breast to dry sweat or water etc or while you’re putting on underwear.  Let’s just enjoy the silence and pick up the conversation once we are fully clothed to avoid any awkwardness.

Welp it's been fun dissecting the various personalities at the gym and sharing it with you but I gotta run...Blog ya later!

Monday, November 21, 2011

I Would Much Rather Shampoo My Hair with My Eyes Taped Open Letting the Shampoo Burn my Corneas' vs. Dating…Part 2 to I Would Much Rather Rip Out My Toenails vs. Dating Again...Life After Break Up or Divorce

*This blog post is dedicated to #94 who has never really left my side and has always been encouraging to me*

Well, here I am doing a part 2 to a blog post I did over a year ago…
Figured it was time to update you all…wait…not that you care but yeah, yeah my blog so you are forced to read! *evil laugh* mwhahahahahahahahahahaha!
Ok well let’s see guess you can say I tried all the things in the post previously so let’s recap from that shall we… 

First encounter
 Meeting someone at a store…well as I instructed at the end of that blog.  Don’t go looking let that person find you.  Here goes…
Well, I went into a local auto parts store in search of an item.  Well there was a certain gentleman who walked by and smiled.  Guess you could say he caught my eye.  Well of course me being the lady I am (psshh LOL I’m a total tomboy) *ahem* anyways I just smiled back.  I went about finding what I needed and proceeded to exit the store when all of a sudden I heard in a Latino accent “Bonita” well, well I thought hmmm I know what that means… (Beautiful) and I looked back and he was waving…I stopped we conversed. OK, blah, blah went on a date yada yada…Ok you wanna know how this turned out…
Happily ever after!! YYYYEAAAHHHHH RRIIIGGGHHHTTT NO!!! Stalker type! RED ALERT..RED ALERT. Nice dude but boy he was super dee duper clingy like a pair of jean after a water ride! 

For example, after one date you call me mid date at work saying “I MIIIIISSSSS YOOOOUUUUU”…ok I was holding the phone at work with this facial expression o_O like really? You have got to be kidding me?
After several attempts of evasiveness, unreturned phone calls, unanswered texts I finally again told him AGAIN, yeah I don’t think I’m ready for all this (which I really don’t think I was but even so after 1 day! Are you friggin kidding me #fail).

Next up:  Friend Set up
So I was chatting it up with an old friend and she was saying “hey I know a great guy for you.”  Me thinking to myself ummmm did I ask for you to set me up? In me, saying “hey what’s going on you with you did I inadvertently say “please set me up?” No? Ok I didn’t think so…anyways moving on along.  I said ok fine, whatever, who is he blah blah so she says can I give him your number…I say you most certainly cannot.  I said but you can give him my Google voice number (I shall go over this very important necessity at the end of this blog post). Anyways so he text and emailed me a picture…ok wwweeeeeelllll red flag number one.  The picture of was him far off sitting down! Whenever someone takes a picture that far off they are hiding something. Well I know what it was here…anyways. So I said well how you would describe yourself.  He said 6’2, tall (ok no kidding you said 6’2 anyways), ATHLETIC BUILD, honest, homebody etc.  I thought yeah ok. So he asked me out to lunch since we work in close proximity to one another.  Sure set up a meeting lunch date.  These are perfect! Why you ask I’ll tell you why because you have an hour to get to know someone. If you’re not feeling them then you can look forward to that hour ending vs. being on a date with an endless night all awkward.  Well first we met…remember a lil while ago I said he described himself as ATHLETIC BUILD…
Well apparently that was back in high school because this guy was two Twinkies from obesity!! Next up he said he was a homebody…the entire time he talked about clubs and liquor…two things that don’t excite me. So as I sat there trying not to be rude but man I was totally bored about of my mind.

You know after that I was like eh blah blah a few dates with others here and there.  Not bad guys but not anything I want and I felt I wasn’t ready and you know sometime we have to stop and be patient. Don’t force it. Let God guide us. Sometimes it takes us to be alone  and content with ourselves  to understand that! 

One main thing that I’ve had during my split and all other crap  is a really good friend! Actually the best friend in the world besides family.  When I went through everything he was there…I sat and thought about it and wow. Always a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. When I needed to be critiqued he or corrected he did so even if I got an attitude.  When I cried or was angry he was still there. Very attentive etc it’s funny how we take those things for granted.  Funny thing is I then developed feelings which then made me push him away and did things uncharacteristic of myself all to protect myself.  Well folks that’s what fear will do to you! Not proud of it but…is what it is I guess.

However, we recently had a conversation about Faith…and what that really means.  Faith I explained, is just believing. Well …this post will be a way I should you how one can step out on Faith…and say…
#94 you have been the bestest friend a girl could have…you have every trait that I want in a man and put up with me when you could have just written me off! Of course none of us are perfect…Lord knows I’m not. I have prayed long and hard on this and I know it’s time for me to step out on Faith as I speak about so often. Now,  I have made mistakes and not handled things in the best manner but I sure hope you have forgiven me. 

Ok, now I say all that to say this folks! Keep faith the one for you is looking for you or better yet look around he/she may be already by your side! Don’t wait til it’s too late! …Oh wait..I forgot to give you info to the dating must have…a lil invention called...
Google Voice is awesome…it allows you to have a phone number... whatever number you want that will ring to your phone or whatever phone you specify.  The beauty in it is the person never really truly has your phone number (also great for when you are signing up for stuff online etc) .  You can go online or use the mobile  app on your phone to block, text, get vmails etc. It’s awesome! Here is a link if you want to try it out…best of all its FREE!!

Blog ya later!!