Showing posts with label return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label return. Show all posts

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm bbbaaaaaaccckkkkkkk

Well, well, well here so we meet again (I just pronounced it while typing A Gain in my English accent…) oh at any rate…

How the hell are ya?!
How have you been…do tell!
I really will read how you have been in comments…I promise. I hope you all have been super awesome!

Anyways, well let’s see your wondering where I have been and why have I been M.I.A…oooooooor maybe not; just ran across my blog like yeah what is this? Well if you were wondering I have just been a little procrastinator and didn't think anyone really wanted to read what I had to say… then I logged on and saw I had 10k plus hits and was thinking well someone likes me.

Face it we all like to feel liked! If you say you don’t care, you’re lying.

Now, if this is your first time here…WELCOME. Have a seat and hope you enjoy!

Perhaps after reading my last blog post you think I rode off into my happily ever after in love and stuff… YEA NO! Didn't happen…all I will say is that getting “to know you” stage is crucial and sometimes when you get to know a person you realize not only are you not on the same page, but you’re not even in the same book or the same bookstore for that matter.

Hey no heart feelings but I had to keep it moving.
My ankle surgery was a success I believe I mentioned that to you all…I have a pretty gnarly Frankenstein looking scar as the lady at the gym referred to it. I have bounced back…not quite 100% as in jumping but running etc and even began wearing heels a little. Ok, so enough about that snoozeville stuff!

I just wanted to make a quick entry to say hey and let you know that more craziness is coming back! Since I have been hitting the gym 4 days a week I have witnessed a lot more!

I'll have to share it with you all…not to mention the dating game. Which by the ways sucks some of the males I have come across…whoa buddy! Funny but not funny..psshhhh ok let me stop funny!
Ok ok let me go so I can start on the blog to tell you guys about crazy personalities I have now come across at the gym. We will talk about it all and then some. I promise. Glad to be back...I must give Kudos for my friend Kim Barnes who inspired me to get back on it! Kim's Bama blog is hilarious yet very true as well it can be found on my blog links its called the Bama Blog.

K,Blog ya later

Sunday, December 4, 2011

What's the Cost of Sexual Healing These Days?!

 Well hey you guys!

I sit here with a million  things and ideas in my head to blog about yet at the same time I am at a loss.  So much to touch on: friendships, Love, Life, Faith, current events, work and the list goes on and on...

So I put this in draft let my thoughts continue to run a muck in my head for a couple days and now...i'm back :)

One thing that has stuck with me that a friend posted on Facebook was a poem entitled "Sexual Healing" by a college student named Jeffrey Bethke. It was really quite intense and deep.  (Watch below...)

Now, I enjoyed this thoroughly...maybe because I could relate to the words the poet/lyricist was saying.  Often time I think my views are old fashioned especially at my age but honestly I guess I'm OK with that. However, I know that  has ended some relationships for me in past, some before they even start (yeah #94 included from previous blog, still awesome friends though).

I just refuse to lower my standards or my self worth just to say "I'm with someone" especially  if I'm not in a committed relationship.

For example: its like allowing someone not just to window shop take the product home run it down then bring it back with no obligation...really?! Yeah no, I just can't...and in the same breath that same product will be put back on the shelf for someone else to come along and buy it thinking its new.
Used products
For some reason in this day and age we don't value our bodies very much this includes men and women....not all but a vast majority.  I mean look around at the sexual disease on the rise, unwanted pregnancies etc on the rise. We treat our bodies and emotional well being like trash. If we treated our bodies as the temples they are we wouldn't sell them out for a few minutes of meaningless sexual pleasure with someone who probably doesn't even care about us. Often times it's not even for sexual pleasure but for material things. Since we have become such a materialistic society we will sell our bodies for purses, shoes, shopping sprees, cars, video games etc  It's actually very disheartening. Are those things that will be outdated in less than a year worth more than your body? Just think about it?!

Maybe it's me but when I give my body to someone it's out of love and commitment and its means something dang it! Now I am not saying I am not without fault because I have made some mistakes, but I have done some things right too. Now,  I chose to let God keep me and I shall wait for the one he has for me. I can't let  any disturbances interfere with God's work! Even though honestly, I am a sinner and  if the Rock called ehhhhhh that's be hard one to fight (LOL).  I don't knock anyone but I'll just say aren't you worth more?! If you don't think so I'm here to tell you, you are!

Every day we are given an opportunity to make different decisions.  You don't think so? Well you woke up this morning didn't you?! Now I didn't say the choices would be easy,  the right ones often aren't.  Just think about it no not it think about you! What are you worth?

Well that's all for now folks...Blog ya later!!

*For the word document of the poem above you can click here: Sexual Healing Poem transcript

Coming soon...back to the humor with Gym Types and Mannerisms....