As promised in the previous post…I will break down what I
have observed in my visits to the gym.
Now, I have always been pretty athletic and fit. Not tooting my own horn it’s just something
that is in my DNA I think to be active exercising or playing sports. Well my season of flag football, basketball
is over until spring. So in addition to
my boxing work out I said to myself…”Self you need to get to the gym a few
times a week to relieve stress and get that six pack you want.” Well it’s going well, but I digress…this blog is not about my physical progress workout. Maybe we
will discuss that one day but yeah not today. In my frequent trips to the gym
and if you hadn’t noticed I’m a bit of a people watcher…well I have categorized
some gym goers. Once you read these I’m
sure you will be able to identify.
First up we shall pay homage to the:
These are the guys that have to lift as much weight as
humanly possible for their body, they have to make grunting noise, yell, and
scream so everyone in the gym knows they are “getting buff.” Also, typically they lift weight close to a
mirror so once they are done they can spring up and check out their physique in
said mirror. Once the gym rat has
finished a particular weight routine.
They usually grab a towel and water bottle and walk around the gym doing
the buff walk like they own the place.
Wait…why are you looking like that…you don’t know what the buff walk is?
Oh allow me to explain…ok hunch both your shoulders up, then let your arms
dangle free slightly bent and away from your body, now squeeze both your butt
cheeks in now walk…BAM look at you buff walking!!!
Next up is America’s favorite the:
The Spokesperson:
These are the people who come into the gym and you think wow
they are about to hit it hard! OR if playing basketball for instance you think
whoa did they play in college. All
because they have the LOOK down! They will have on the Nike shoes, socks,
shorts, air dry razor back tank top or jersey, the Nike head band, towel, watch
etc the list goes on and on. However, if
you notice this a lot of time is the person with absolutely NO ATHLETIC bone in
their body. If they are just working out they come often but the ol elliptical
or treadmill defeats them in 3 mins or less. The weighted machines stay on a
weight of 10 or the pin isn’t in at all. But I tell you what bless their hearts
they look good doing it. They get picked
up in a basketball game only for their team to realize that was an EPIC fail of
a decision to pick them up. However,
the Spokesperson can sure give you great tips on fashionable gym attire! If
this is your style…hey embrace it its ok…look one of our favorite comedian
Kevin Hart does…watch…
OK moving on along to the…
The Singles:
These are folks that can also fall under one of the categories
above. Yet the main purpose of Singles
is to simply check out chicks or guys.
This is the guy who will give you that huge smile and then randomly pop
up next to you on every machine you get on…the Singles can sometime be a bit
creepy. Now women are in this category…wanna know how to spot a woman that’s a
singles…find her next to a somewhat hot guy in the gym she will be on the
treadmill next to him leisurely walking with a full face of make up but dressed
Next we get to the…
The New Years Resolution
These folks usually come out of the wood work after the
holidays. These are the folks who went the ol New Years ball dropped they made
the resolution that this would be the year that they would get in shape. They get excited and sometimes form
group…yay. They then get all the apparel
needed for the gym and head on down to the local gym and sign up. Some even get personal trainers…because they are
serious this time not like that past years. Nope this year it’s different. Well
the New Years Resolution Makers start off good and strong sad part is usually
about 2 weeks later…nada Gyms love the New Years Resolution Makers they get
them obligated in contracts and get their money never see them again. FREE MONEY!
Then comes the:
“I’ve got to get my body
right for the summer" person:
Actually see New Years Resolution Maker however this
person usually emerges in April or May right before the summer. One caveat is sometime this is the person
that says they will hit it hard to be able to get into a bikini by summer
obstacle is their body most likely looks like this…
Next Up:
The never ending
This group of people I secretly envy…they run for ever and
ever and ever. Me after a mile and a
half 2 and most I’m tuckered out. I had
to work to get to that point. Don’t
judge me I was a sprinter not a cross country runner! This person usually has a
straight face, ear buds in ears or watching TV…they usually are dripping in
sweat and have a towel for the occasional sweat wipe away…
The Magazine reader:
I think this is a new generation of exercisers or something…I
mean we come to the gym to work up a sweat right…WRONG these folks have the
latest edition of Cosmo or People and catching up with celebrity gossip while
working out.I must admit I tried it
yeah not so much for me…I’ll stick with reading mags in the Doc office waiting
room, but hey if it works for you. Great lol.
Are you the:
Stinky dude:
This dude may or may not be a gym rat, but most likely not a
Spokesperson or Single. This is the guy
who is super sweaty and stinks to high hell like the invention of deodorant
hasn’t been discovered yet. This guy may
be outgoing but he is usually all over the gym and you know this because his stench
is all over the gym turning heads and burning nose hairs out of all gym
patrons. This person is also not going
to use the sanitizing wipes to clean off the machines or weights once you use
them. Forget about it, he isn’t EVEN
going to attempt to use them.
OMG without further ado!
The locker room
Ok where do I begin with this one...let me paint you a
picture of my encounter. So I leave work
headed to the gym…la da dee la dad ah (that’s me humming). I walk into the gym say hey to the employees “hey
guys!” they say “hey how are ya?” back at me.
La da dee hmmm mmmmm open the door to the women’s locker room go around
the corner to the locker area and WHAM greeted by butt nakedness! In my head I
think…”Holy hell cover up” but I say nothing because honestly this is quite
normal for a locker room right. Well
then it gets interesting…I am taking my coat off and placing items in the
locker gathering my clothes to escape into the handicapped bathroom stall to
change (yeah I’m that one…don’t judge me).
Before I could finish gathering my clothes I hear…” hey what’s up Toya?!”
I look up to say “hello” but something happened my eyes looked up before I
could speak and what they saw was the back shot view of a woman looking at me
while drying her ankles off and looking at me from in between her legs…OK my
face instantly looked like o_O all I could say was “oh nothing” and I dang near
ran to the stall. Where I had to then
compose myself and mouth silently to myself “WTH was that?!” Then I have to
come back to work or around the building and see you on a regular basis…FAIL!
Ok so prime rule for me…DO NOT TALK TO ME WHILE YOU ARE BUTT
NAKED!! …well unless you’re the ROCK but ahem back to the subject…yes not
cool. I don’t want to talk to you as you
are lifting your breast to dry sweat or water etc or while you’re putting on
underwear. Let’s just enjoy the silence
and pick up the conversation once we are fully clothed to avoid any awkwardness.
Welp it's been fun dissecting the various personalities at the gym and sharing it with you but I gotta run...Blog ya later!
LOL. Very good. I, unfortunately, might be the stinky guy only because I usually roll out of bed and head to the gym. I do usually spray myself with Ax to at least cut the may-be stench.
I used to be the never ending runner but now I'm the getting ready for summer dude.
I hate the locker room flasher. For guys - there is always that old dude in the locker room walking around, oblivious to the fact gravity truly hit him hard.
LOL. Very good. I, unfortunately, might be the stinky guy only because I usually roll out of bed and head to the gym. I do usually spray myself with Ax to at least cut the may-be stench.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love this:
ReplyDeleteI used to be the never ending runner but now I'm the getting ready for summer dude.
I hate the locker room flasher. For guys - there is always that old dude in the locker room walking around, oblivious to the fact gravity truly hit him hard.
LMAO!!! I can fall into 2 of the catagories!!!!