*This blog post is
dedicated to #94 who has never really left my side and has always been
encouraging to me*
Well, here I am doing a part 2 to a blog post I did over a
year ago…
Figured it was time to update you all…wait…not that you care
but yeah, yeah my blog so you are forced to read! *evil laugh*
Ok well let’s see guess you can say I tried all the things
in the post previously so let’s recap from that shall we…
First encounter
Meeting someone at a
store…well as I instructed at the end of that blog. Don’t go looking let that person find
you. Here goes…
Well, I went into a local auto parts store in search of an
item. Well there was a certain gentleman
who walked by and smiled. Guess you
could say he caught my eye. Well of
course me being the lady I am (psshh LOL I’m a total tomboy) *ahem* anyways I
just smiled back. I went about finding
what I needed and proceeded to exit the store when all of a sudden I heard in a Latino accent “Bonita” well, well I thought hmmm I know what that means… (Beautiful)
and I looked back and he was waving…I stopped we conversed. OK, blah, blah went
on a date yada yada…Ok you wanna know how this turned out…
Happily ever after!! YYYYEAAAHHHHH
RRIIIGGGHHHTTT NO!!! Stalker type! RED ALERT..RED ALERT. Nice dude but boy he
was super dee duper clingy like a pair of jean after a water ride! 
For example, after one date you call me mid date at work
saying “I MIIIIISSSSS YOOOOUUUUU”…ok I was holding the phone at work with this
facial expression o_O like really? You have got to be kidding me?
After several attempts of evasiveness, unreturned phone
calls, unanswered texts I finally again told him AGAIN, yeah I don’t think I’m
ready for all this (which I really don’t think I was but even so after 1 day!
Are you friggin kidding me #fail).
Next up: Friend Set up
So I was chatting it up with an old friend and
she was saying “hey I know a great guy for you.” Me thinking to myself ummmm did I ask for you
to set me up? In me, saying “hey what’s going on you with you did I
inadvertently say “please set me up?” No? Ok I didn’t think so…anyways moving
on along. I said ok fine, whatever, who
is he blah blah so she says can I give him your number…I say you most certainly
cannot. I said but you can give him my Google
voice number (I shall go over this very important necessity at the end of this
blog post). Anyways so he text and emailed me a picture…ok wwweeeeeelllll red
flag number one. The picture of was him
far off sitting down! Whenever someone takes a picture that far off they are
hiding something. Well I know what it was here…anyways. So I said well how you
would describe yourself. He said 6’2,
tall (ok no kidding you said 6’2 anyways), ATHLETIC BUILD, honest, homebody
etc. I thought yeah ok. So he asked me
out to lunch since we work in close proximity to one another. Sure set up a meeting lunch date. These are perfect! Why you ask I’ll tell you
why because you have an hour to get to know someone. If you’re not feeling them
then you can look forward to that hour ending vs. being on a date with an
endless night all awkward. Well
first we met…remember a lil while ago I said he described himself as ATHLETIC
Well apparently that was back in high school because this
guy was two Twinkies from obesity!! Next up he said he was a homebody…the
entire time he talked about clubs and liquor…two things that don’t excite me.
So as I sat there trying not to be rude but man I was totally bored about of my
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However, we recently had a conversation about Faith…and what
that really means. Faith I explained, is
just believing. Well …this post will be a way I should you how one can step out on Faith…and say…
#94 you have been the bestest friend a girl could have…you have
every trait that I want in a man and put up with me when you could have just
written me off! Of course none of us are perfect…Lord knows I’m not. I have
prayed long and hard on this and I know it’s time for me to step out on Faith
as I speak about so often. Now, I have
made mistakes and not handled things in the best manner but I sure hope you
have forgiven me.
Ok, now I say all that to say this folks! Keep faith the one
for you is looking for you or better yet look around he/she may be already by
your side! Don’t wait til it’s too late! …Oh wait..I forgot to give you info to the
dating must have…a lil invention called...
Google Voice is awesome…it allows you to have a phone number... whatever number you want that will ring to your phone or whatever phone you
specify. The beauty in it is the person
never really truly has your phone number (also great for when you are signing up for stuff online etc) .
You can go online or use the mobile app on your phone to block,
text, get vmails etc. It’s awesome! Here is a link if you want to try it out…best
of all its FREE!! https://www.google.com/voice
Blog ya later!!
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