Wow! So I have not updated my blog in quite sometime....whoa, horrible me huh? Yeah well, hey don't judge me! HA! Well I am attempting to do what all cool bloggers do..which is pitch camp at a coffee shop, pop open the ol netbook and get to going right? So... *ahem* at Latteland *check*, got my medium white chocolate mocha latte and super huge gourmet sugar cookie *check*, netbook powered up and connected to free wifi *check.* Ok, so I guess that makes me official (yeah i'm fancy)! HA, now that I have walked you through my set up, I've completely drawn a blank! My mind is just spiraling pit of ideas that have just evaded me! UGH! DANG IT!
AHA *thought popped in*, recently I took a picture of a picture, that's right! (again don't judge me) but it really caught me off guard! Captured a great concept/idea.
Ok so tell me you get it? If not its ok, I'll give you my take on it. Sometimes we start off looking on the bright side of life then somewhere along the road we lose site of that for whatever reason and often we go into worry/panic mode. Well at least this is what this simple picture that is playing on an eye exam chart says to me.
Not to go into my whole life story and struggle but I have been through some VERY trying times this past year that a weak person would buckle at easily! I lost site of looking on the bright side and when you do that you end up in a dark place and a negative person. Let me tell you not a good look at all! However, because I am a believer of Christ I know where to go to gain strength, patience and knowledge to get back on track so I did! So in the word of Bobby McFarren (I think that's his name) Don't Worry Be Happy! Well also in my recent bible meditation and reading I was studying on worrying and how that plagues us. I was reading in Matthew 6:34 it reads " Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." This touched me and was an eye opener for me as a believer of Christ to say.. hey, if I say, "God I'll let you handle it." I need to let him, he sure doesn't need my feeble attempt to help him do what he has already done!
Well I know usually I have jokes and that will come BUT alot of people around me are going through storms, big and small. Sometimes we all need a little encouragement and in the word of a great ideologist I know that I will refer to as the great Brigini "sometimes apathy goes along way!" May not mean much to you now but add that into your balance of life a little apathy and then you will totally get it!
Here is one more image I will leave you with...

Not a moment too soon!...This older gentleman at the tall table next to me is killing me playing solitaire on his laptop with all the sounds on...so I'll i've been hearing is the annoyng *Dink dink dink dink..* of him dragging and dropping cards then tada! when he wins! I just want to walk up to him give him the old *blank stare* and say sir #FAIL, now go on home with that! However, that thought has been drowned out by a college aged girl with a horrid lisp (spit city I can see it all the way over here when I look up). She is talking to a friend about another girl in the sorority house. #Gossip/Backstabbing now in progress. LOL, this has been quite the silent adventure. One guy just had an epic fail moment he got his coffee, scone, all cords for his computer pulled out..AHA! so he thought and WHAM no power cord and his laptop is dead as a door knob (*cringe* ooo feel for ya buddy). Nothing like hearing someone cuss themselves out! Pure hilariousness...wait is that a word?...ok, what did I tell you about the judging thing *blank stare.* Ok well blog you guys later...*dink dink* maybe even today *dink dink* see that even you guys hear that stupid solitaire game! Ok, like a burnt out light bulb...Be easy breezies! Stay blessed! I'm out!